Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Studying and all flying activities have simmered down for the year, so not much to update until the New Year. However, I DID bring my flight computer and manual down with me. I've been having some trouble with it and thought in passing if maybe I could contact one of my flying buddies to help me. Easy solution - ask my Mom for help. :)

We watched a flying movie the other day called "Flyabout". A young girl (early 20's) got her pilot's license and inspired her father to do the same. They got together with a flying club and flew around the coast of Australia. Something like that would be awesome to do.

Although watching it, I was surprised. The daughter was a fairly new pilot, but still had more time than the father. The leader of the group wouldn't let the father land often because he was still shaky about it. "But he has his license!!! How can he not know how to land?!?!", I asked my mother in disbelief. She thought it was funny. "A license is just a license to learn. It doesn't mean you know everything." It just shocked me because for everything you need to to learn and do for the license, I figured you were an expert when you got it. She said it's just like being a freshman in school. Blah.

As my wise mother also pointed out, the father got his license in a matter of weeks. There's no way he could have been prepared for all the conditions in Australia he had to face. The 25 mph crosswind at one airport even through the pilots who had been flying for 20 years off ease.

I'd really like to do a trip like that with my mom. Although after watching, I'd like to be instrument rated first. They ran into quite a bit of patchy weather and she wasn't able to handle it too well. A trip like that is just too much for a new pilot, especially in a new country with unfamiliar conditions and airports.

The good news in taking YEEEEEEEEEEARS, like me, is that I'll have more practical experience than someone who accomplished it in just a few weeks. Just wish it would go faster... I wanna be able to do all the fun things that all of my pilot buddies are doing. I want to go on a trip like the one in the movie. I want to film my own movie of my own trip. I want to fly to Oshkosh. I want to train with the great aerobatic pilots. There's just so much I want to do! Ah well... in time, right?

Merry Christmas to all! I can't wait to see what 2013 brings! =)

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