Sunday, October 21, 2012


It's amazing how a night of sleep and the onset of a new day can make everything look brighter.

I'm in much better spirits than last night. I went to bed and listened to music on my IPod for a little bit. One of the last things I pictured was everything I loved about Oshkosh. I pictured myself there, snuggling into my sleeping bag in my tent, underneath the clear, starlit sky.

I had hoped to dream of the Spirit of Oshkosh and have her tell me that it was okay to come home now, but I didn't. Instead, I awoke with the thought of how my behavior wasn't befitting an Oshkoshian. That didn't mean the commander had an excuse for acting the way he did, but I didn't need to react that way. It was Oshkoshian to not fire back at him to his face and just walk away, but the getting angry/yelling afterwards was not. Even though his actions appeared to be directed at me personally, they were not personal. Even if he intended them as such, they were not personal. Therefore, I should not have allowed myself to get angry. I should not have allowed him to ruin an air show, or the remainder of my day.

Besides, I have way too much studying to do... ;)

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