Friday, October 19, 2012


I need to stop reading past entries. They are depressing me a little. Hard to believe that only a few months ago, I was excitedly writing about how much I loved CAP and to have a complete 180 now. Surely something I once loved so much can be restored to that same amount, right? Right now, it's currently on life support. Shame of how things turn out that way.

If it was what it looked like on paper and what it appeared to be at first, then it'd be wonderful. But the squabbling... the power trips...the pettiness...and the immaturity. It wears ya down after awhile. I didn't mention here, but I went back to one meeting a couple of weeks ago. There were 6 of us there: 3 presenters... and 3 members, including myself. The commander griped about the lack of attendance, but what are you going to do? I could have taught the material and it took an hour when it was supposed to have taken 2. IMHO, I felt like it wasted my time; I could have been home studying. So I haven't been back since. This week's was about G1000 safety. That'd take 15 minutes to go through... with questions.

I've pretty much decided to transfer squadrons. One of my buddies plans to transfer too, so at least I won't be alone.

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