Monday, June 11, 2012

Just do your best :)

Countdown is down to a week and 4 days until USS Yorktown!!!! Did I mention I'm mostly packed? :)
Just have to add a few more things and my uniform and I'm done. I've never in my life packed for ANYTHING so far in advance.

I read a bunch of psychological articles today, in regards to flying. One guy was saying that the most successful pilots were ones that went into every flight doing their best. They didn't worry about having the top grades or being the best or what type of pilots they were. They just did their best and the rest happened naturally. If they screwed up something (which everyone will do from time to time), they didn't take it hard or view it as an indication of a lack of their abilities. They looked at it as "Oops, I messed up; I'm human. I will take note to never do that again" and moved on. That may just help relieve my frustrations a little bit. I know I put wayyyy too much attention into being better than average and focus on what type of pilot I may or may not be. Perhaps that's one reason why Obi-Wan at the flight school said it was a bad idea to know what type of pilot you were. Kind of like knowing your IQ or something... I guess?

This past weekend, I finished another section in my textbook and finished answering the questions for that section. I'm up to 7 pages of answered questions now. Tonight, I think I'm going to tackle some more videos. Section 8 is about Airspace. I need to focus now more than ever. Ideally, I'd like to get my pilot's license and instrument ratings within the next year. Not sure if that's doable, but I need to at least try.

Funny story - At work this morning, one of the other teachers in the room next to my office said "assessment" and I thought he said "a Cessna". haha  A Cessna??? Where??

I know keeping my head in a book will help me in the long run but it really sucks when all I want to do is be up in the air. Oh well... the more I study, the faster I will get there. At least it helps to remember that and that keeps me going.

Onwards and upwards!

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