Friday, November 2, 2012


Even Wart had to say goodbye to Merlin at one point.

DB Merlin deleted me off of Facebook today. I got a bad feeling right before it happened, checked it and then it blew me away to see it. I think maybe my joyous post about aerobatics got to him. I did end up sending him a brief, gracious message about how I was sorry that things didn't work out... because I am, honestly. That's the type of person I am - when relationships don't work out, I feel somewhat responsible. I wanted it to work out too, I really did. But what you want to happen and what actually does happen are too different things, unfortunately.

I knew it wasn't working and I knew it was probably going to end soon. Honestly, I had been watching FB for a few days for it to happen. Doesn't mean I'm prepared for it to happen when it does though. Suspecting something will happen is much different than when it actually does happen. I learned that when my last serious relationship ended, too - almost 3 years to the day. Odd how life events coincide like that sometimes.

Like I said yesterday: "Keep Moving Forward". Things are beyond sucky right now, but they'll turn out for the best. I KNOW they will. I have to keep believing they will.

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