Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Hello to my new readers! Thank you for joining me on this journey. I'm happy to have you along. Questions and comments always welcomed. =)

2nd meeting tonight with the PDK CAP (Peachtree Dekalb Civil Air Patrol). I had an absolute blast. Normally it takes me quite awhile to warm up to people, but with some of these guys, it's like they've been in my life all along.

Tonight just proves that no matter how bad things are - things ALWAYS happen for a reason. I believe that with my whole heart. I just read a saying the other day about how an arrow needs to be pulled really far back in order to fly and that's what happens when things seem bad to us. We're only being pulled back in order to soar. =)

So same setup as last week - everyone wanted to talk to me and get to know me. They welcomed me back and said after two meetings and a SAREX (search and rescue exercise), they hoped I would stay.

Two guys gave a presentation on a tiny little aviation museum they found on a BBQ run one time. The planes there were amazing! (Sometimes to get certain ratings, we have to make a presentation to the group)

Afterwards, they went for drinks again and told me they hoped I'd go... and I did. :)  Not gonna lie - my ego kinda loved the attention they gave me:

"So you ARE joining right?"   and "WOW. You are almost a Mission Observer? Commander, we could really use someone like her, please make her join!" and "I've heard so much about you. We'd be lucky if you joined us" and "We'd have so much fun together! You can't possibly leave now that you've met us" and "I'd really like to fly with you sometime".

They asked my goals and said they'd help in any way possible. I told them what I wanted to do and they pointed me to the right people. Again, the offer was presented that when I was ready to fly again, they had many CFIs (instructor pilots) there. All I had to do was say the word.

There's opportunities ABOUND! They are setting up Scanner/Observer classes on one Saturday a month and the guy wants me to help teach them. The woman (only other woman) who does the comm radios needs an assistance and she's kinda already buddied up to me. I asked about first aid/CPR and yep, they've got me covered.

I'm just hoping that they aren't just being like this trying to recruit me. :/  However, I think they are pretty genuine for the most part.

I promised Archie I'd fly with him before I decided to join... however, I think I've pretty much decided. Was going to stop by another squadron too... but I just <3 these guys soooooooo much already! My joy & enthusiasm is back and I'm looking forward to meetings again. It gives me such a boost that this squadron that has won so many awards and only wants the best, hard-working people... wants me. Me, the hot potato, that everyone wanted to drop supposedly... the type of person that this squadron makes fun of other squadrons for having. According to Merlin anyways. :/

I talked to him tonight incidentally. It actually went well. Short, but good. He congratulated me on finishing the King videos and I told him about getting an 80% on one of the tests. He said that was pretty good and quizzed me a little about what to do if you were lost - climb, cover, communicate and comply. I couldn't rattle those off and only knew part of it. But it's okay  - just keep plugging away. He ended the convo with "let me know if I can help with anything", which is good, I guess.

But those pilot boys get wild when they are in a room together with a pitcher of beer! LOL They were fun though. A number of times the commander had to tell them to calm down and said "We've got a young lady present!!!" haha like I'm 12 or something...

One guy told a story about how he went over a bombing MOA (Military Operations Area) and was escorted by 2 F-18's. Told his wife that they do that for everyone in that area. LOL omg...  The things these guys tell their wives!!!  Anyways, the guy was in a Bonanza and the others were asking how the F-18's kept up with it. haha (his particular type wasn't very fast... at least not compared to an F-18)

And then one guy was asking me questions and another guy tells him to stop monopolizing me because they all want to talk to me. So he says "You are shameless, man!! Carrying on like this and for godssakes, you are married!!" lol The guy shrugs and holds up his hand to show there was not a ring. I don't think he was flirting - ewww. I certainly wasn't.

Another guy asked what we should do if the stall horn in the plane in broken. There was a silence in the room and someone else asked "How did you find this out? How high were you?". "8,000 feet" he says. "Only you would test the stall horn" they jeered back. "At least you didn't test it at 80 feet!"

So the commander goes to leave and tells me to give him my CAP ID because we're doing this transfer now, so we can get started training me in everything I want to be trained in. I told him next time, so that means we have 2 weeks until then. Next week is the presentation by the F-16 pilot who went to the real Top Gun!!!! :)

Okay, past my bedtime, but in study news (as I haven't updated in a bit) - I'm on Chapter 6, Section B. Missed last night because I was tired and tonight because of the meeting. But tomorrow night, I need to get back to work again. Planning to work on the G1000 as well. I only have 3 searches I need to preform before I'm a Mission Observer. Need to get those down cold before I go for my flight!!

Blue Skies and Happy Thoughts!!! =)

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